World Pain Day is an opportunity to take stock of the many benefits of magnetotherapy.
What is magnetotherapy?
Magnetic therapy is a natural, non-invasive solution that contributes to well-being and vitality on a daily basis. It capitalises on the many benefits of the magnetic fields created by powerful magnets, including :
- Relief and mobility: it helps relieve joint and muscle pain. In fact, the magnetic fields of our powerful magnets help to :
- Reduce the transmission of the pain message to the brain*.
- Increase blood flow to the painful area, helping to relieve it*.
- Stimulate the secretion of melatonin and growth hormone, contributing to healing*. - Sleep and relaxation: it helps to improve the quality of sleep by helping you to relax, fall asleep and reduce night-time awakenings*. In particular, the Actipol® Magnetic Sleep Set helps to :
- Stimulate the secretion of melatonin*, helping to facilitate sleep*.
- Align the sleeper on a North/South magnetic axis, beneficial to sleep*. - Vitality and balance: it helps to stimulate physical energy and regulate emotional energy, by helping to stimulate the secretion of molecules that help to :
- Reduce fatigue, maintain muscular health during stress, improve strength and recovery (ATP - Adenosine TriPhosphate)*.
- Regulate the body's energy balance (melatonin)*.
* Information based on published clinical studies
Our consumer studies
We conducted 4 consumer studies on the use of our products, over a period of 3 months, during which they were able to assess changes in the intensity of their pain on a scale of 0 to 10 (VAS scale). See stufy report of Dr JF Marc.
Here are 3 of them, directly linked to the subject of this article:
Results of consumer study on the use of the magnetic belt
The AURIS magnetic belt helps to relieve back and abdominal pain. It helps to improve pain management, comfort and freedom of movement.
Read more about lombalgis study
Results of consumer study on the use of the magnetic knee support
The AURIS magnetic knee support helps to relieve knee pain. It helps to improve pain management, comfort and freedom of movement.
Read more about gonalgis study
Results of a consumer study on the use of the magnetic shoulder support
The AURIS magnetic shoulder support helps to relieve shoulder pain. It helps to improve pain management, comfort and freedom of movement.