Magnetic stones have fascinated people for thousands of years, not only for their beauty and unique properties, but also for their many health benefits. This article explores the geological origins of magnetic stones and their therapeutic uses, highlighting the reasons why they are so highly prized today.

The geology of magnetic stones

Magnetic stones, often called magnetites, are iron-rich minerals found mainly in igneous and metamorphic rocks. These stones are formed under specific geological conditions, in particular high temperatures and pressures, which allow the iron particles to align and create a natural magnetic field.

Formation of magnetites:

  • Volcanic origin: Magnetites are often formed in igneous rocks by the cooling of lava. During this process, the iron ions present in the lava combine to form magnetic crystals.
  • Metamorphism: Magnetites can also form in metamorphic rocks, as pressure and heat transform existing minerals.

Geological properties :

  • Magnetism: Magnetites have a natural magnetic field, due to the alignment of their iron particles.
  • Hardness: They are relatively hard, making them resistant to erosion and durable.

Which stone is the most magnetic?

The most magnetic stone is magnetite (Fe₃O₄). It is reputed to be the most magnetic natural mineral on Earth. It is often used in lithotherapy for its supposed energetic and protective properties.

What other stones or rocks are said to be magnetic?

Here are a few examples of the main magnetic stones:

  • Lodestone: a form of magnetite that is naturally magnetised. It was historically used as the first natural compass.
  • Hematite : although less magnetic than magnetite, it can exhibit magnetic properties when heated. It is also popular in jewellery and lithotherapy.
  • Pyrrhotite: this sulphurous mineral contains iron, which gives it magnetic properties. Its magnetisation is generally weaker than that of magnetite.
  • Ilmenite: This is an iron and titanium oxide that also has magnetic properties, although less intense than those of magnetite.

The benefits of magnetic stones

Magnetic stones are used in therapy to relieve a variety of aches and pains, including joint pain, muscle aches and backache. Their magnetic field can help improve blood circulation and reduce inflammation. By stimulating circulation, they promote better oxygenation of tissues and more efficient elimination of toxins, which can lead to a reduction in swelling and an improvement in general health.

These stones are also known for their soothing effects. By wearing magnetic stones or placing them on specific points on the body, it is possible to reduce stress and anxiety, promoting a state of deep relaxation. By improving circulation and reducing inflammation, magnetic stones can speed up the healing process for injuries and chronic conditions. They are often used to complement other medical treatments.

According to the principles of lithotherapy, magnetic stones can balance the body's energies, expelling negative energies and stimulating positive ones. This can lead to an improvement in mood and a general sense of well-being.

Use of magnetic stones in Auris products

Auris products, such as magneto-active textiles, magnetic insoles, magnetic bracelets, etc. harness the benefits of magnetic stones to provide natural pain relief and improve well-being. Magnetic insoles, for example, use built-in magnets to stimulate reflex points on the feet, improving circulation and reducing foot pain. Designed to be worn in shoes, they provide relief from foot pain and improve circulation. Magnetic bracelets, worn on the wrist, help to reduce joint pain and balance the body's energies.

Customer testimonial

Hélène, 64, has been using Auris magnetic insoles for several months. "I had constant pain in my feet and knees. Since I've been wearing the magnetic insoles, I've noticed a marked improvement. The pain has reduced and I feel more energetic."

True/False: test your knowledge of magnetic stones

True or False: Magnetic stones only form in igneous rock.

False: They can also form in metamorphic rocks under the effect of pressure and heat.

True or False: Magnetic stones can improve blood circulation.

True: their magnetic field stimulates blood circulation, promoting better oxygenation of tissues.

True or False: Auris products using magnetic stones have no impact on joint pain.

False: Auris products, such as magnetic insoles and bracelets, are designed to relieve pain and improve well-being.

Magnetic stones offer a multitude of health benefits, from pain relief to improved circulation and stress reduction. By incorporating magnetic therapy products such as those offered by Auris into your daily routine, you can enjoy these natural benefits and improve your overall well-being.