• un Mix'O magnétique trèfle offert dès 40€ d'achat avec le code EAU25
  • un Mix'O magnétique trèfle offert dès 40€ d'achat avec le code EAU25

The most common generic term for a non-traumatic shoulder pain is “scapulohumeral periarthritis”. Scientific concepts have evolved and this term does not reflect the current medical knowledge anymore. However, it is still used by healthcare professionals. This term scapulohumeral periarthritis was first suggested following the description made in 1872 by Simon DUPLAY (1836-1924), from a single observation made during an .. autopsy. It was then Professor Stanislas DE SEZE (1903-2000) who divided up this concept of scapula-humeral periarthritis into 4 entities :

  • Frozen shoulder also known as adhesive capsulitis
  • Shoulder tendonitis
  • Pseudo paralysis of the shoulder
  • Shoulder pain (Usually a rotator cuff tendinitis or a light shoulder arthritis)

Nowadays, in the case of a painful, non-traumatic shoulder, the clinical examination enables one to make a precise diagnosis and to offer additional examinations that are essentials to confirm the clinical impression and then to direct to the right treatment to put in place.

Study results

Our study demonstrated a real and significant analgesic effect of this magneto-active orthosis (MAO) in patients suffering from severe symptomatic shoulder pain, sometimes taking multiple medications. This effect was either first, 1 month, or slower, 2 months. This analgesic effect is retained regardless of the ethology of chronic shoulder pain, which makes this magneto-active orthosis a therapeutic tool with a great potential of recommendation.

This effect made it possible to very significantly reduce the consumption of painkillers, confirming the achievement of our two primary and secondary objectives.

The increase in range of motion for all patients with an initial limitation is undoubtedly a positive effect complementary to the analgesic effect which is as unexpected as greatly appreciated in the daily life of the patients concerned.

Understanding how long the patient would wear the magneto-active orthosis (MAO) has been instructive to the effect of the product and about the right way to use it. Overall, it has to be noted that the amount of time the magneto-active orthosis should be worn was in theory imposed by the protocol during the first month, however the patients suggested to wear in on demand with the agreement of the doctors, given that the first results were significants.

A future study could focus on long-term adherence to this MAO (post-hoc follow-up).

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