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  • un Mix'O magnétique trèfle offert dès 40€ d'achat avec le code EAU25

Have you heard of birch sap? It has many virtues, known for hundreds of years.

More than a cure: a tradition

Once called "the tree of wisdom", the birch tree was praised for its virtues as early as the 12th century. Travelers and scholars of the time note that the populations of Siberia, Russia and Scandinavia drink "birch water" as a vitalizing and beneficial drink. In France, the tradition is perpetuated thanks to certain monastic institutions which collect the birch sap in spring, in a traditional way.

An artisanal know-how

In the forests of the Alps and the Pyrenees, as well as in the large Scandinavian forests, birch sap has been traditionally harvested for centuries. In spring, when the sap is rising in the tree and the buds are about to appear, a small hole 3 cm deep is drilled in the tree about 1 m above the ground. A plastic tube is inserted into this hole and an empty bottle is placed at the other end. The sap, which is now completely translucent (hence the name "birch water"), begins to flow slowly. 24 hours later, the bottle is collected. One can thus obtain up to 5 liters of birch sap per day, to be consumed without delay or to be bottled without preservatives or any other additives!

A sap with many benefits

Fresh and pure, birch sap contains essential trace elements (calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese) but also amino acids, vitamin C, antioxidant flavonoids, etc. By providing minerals and amino acids bioavailable, it participates in the mineralization of the body and strengthening the immune system, and a natural and effective detox.

The birch sap is used to drain the body, activate the emunctories (organs of elimination of the body) and help to find a balanced transit. It is thus a sure and natural ally of slimming and detox diets, without causing any side effects. Its positive effects on the well-being of the kidneys and bladder have been noted since the Middle Ages. Fresh birch sap is really perfect to help the body purify itself and eliminate organic waste, when the body needs to clean itself. This birch sap also has some vermifuge properties.

The benefits of a birch sap cure are numerous, so why deprive yourself?

And to optimize the effects of your cure, think of magnetizing your birch sap! The Aquaflux® range from Auris allows you to easily magnetize all your liquids, large or small.

Enjoy your cure!