Ready for spring cleaning? Publish on 2023-04-13 09:34:23If for some people spring is synonymous with sorting out and tidying up the house, it is also the best time to look after your body.Read more
The origins of magnetic therapy Publish on 2023-03-05 09:37:03Magnetic therapy is both very ancient, as the first users were people from ancient Greece, but also very modern as medicine and science keep on discovering newRead more
Sleep disorders: how to sleep on both your ears... Publish on 2023-04-14 09:34:20Our nights are getting shorter and shorter and our sleep is less and less restful: this is the observation of more than one French person out of three today.Read more
The benefits of CBD: fact or fiction? Publish on 2023-04-17 09:34:11You'll no doubt have heard about CBD in recent months, with claims about its therapeutic potential being ubiquitous in the media. What is CBD? Is it a fad orRead more
Are anti-inflammatory drugs really good for us? Publish on 2023-04-18 09:34:08Inflammation is a natural and beneficial response of the body. It is a response of our immune system to an injury, infection or other chemical or toxic aggression.Read more
The microbiota: our best friend! Publish on 2023-04-19 09:34:05Did you know that your body houses an entire army ready to defend you against everyday aggressions? We tell you all about it!Read more
What is acupuncture? Publish on 2023-03-28 09:35:17Acupuncture is a very old therapy whose origins go back to the Chinese medical tradition. Its practice has been documented for several thousand years in Asia,Read more
How to maintain your visual capacity: 5 essential tips Publish on 2023-05-03 11:38:19Visual ability is an essential part of our daily lives. It allows us to appreciate the colors, shapes, movements and beauty of our environment. With age orRead more
Gardening: 5 unsuspected benefits for health and well-being! Publish on 2023-05-04 11:38:21Gardening is an ancestral activity that allows people to feed themselves and create pleasant and harmonious spaces.Read more
Fancy a summer body? We've got a solution for you! Publish on 2023-07-28 15:11:09Summer is here and with it comes the guilt of the 'summer body'! But is it really sensible to go on crash diets just before the holidays? Here's a look at a sustainable solution for a healthy body and mind!Read more
A Feng Shui bedroom for a good night's sleep? Publish on 2023-07-28 15:11:06Sleep is essential to our general well-being and mental health. We spend around a third of our lives asleep, and the quality of our sleep can have a considerable impact on our daily lives. It has now been proven that non-restorative sleep canRead more
HERE WE ARE IN THE HEART OF THE HOT SEASON: SUMMER! Publish on 2023-07-28 15:11:04This season marks an abundance of light, fruit and warmth... In traditional Chinese medicine, it is symbolised by the element FIRE. Let's take a closer look at what this representsRead more
The unsuspected powers of clay Publish on 2023-07-28 15:10:59Clay, a simple yet incredibly versatile element! It has been used since the dawn of time to improve health and beauty. Inexpensive and easy to find, it was aRead more
Relieve heavy legs, even in summer Publish on 2023-08-18 14:02:48This phenomenon, often linked to poor circulation, can be exacerbated by high temperatures and increased physical activityRead more
Ayurveda: an ancestral approach to modern well-being. Publish on 2023-08-18 13:03:12For thousands of years, India has offered us a holistic, preventive medicine that considers the whole person: ayurveda. A health system derived from Vedic wisdom, ayurveda is both a spiritual and physical practice designed to improve the quality of lifeRead more
Trouble with tendonitis? Here are a few suggestions to help... Publish on 2023-08-18 12:03:18To start with, we need to take a closer look at biology! A tendon is a fibrous structure that connects muscles to bones. It transmits the force created by muscular contraction to the skeleton, producing movement.Read more
Focus on rotator cuff tendinopathy: a symbolic pathology? Publish on 2023-08-18 11:03:23Many of us suffer from rotator cuff disease without really knowing what it is: let's clear up a few points!Read more
Back to school means a choice of activities! Publish on 2023-09-18 15:15:46It's back to school time, and with it the desire and sometimes even the need for change. But how do you go about it?Read more
Don't worry about headaches! Publish on 2023-09-18 15:13:52Everyone suffers or has suffered from headaches in their lives! Let's take a look at the different types of headache, their possible causes and, above all, some ideas for relieving them naturally!Read more
Stress: a real cause of pathology or a catch-all diagnosis? Publish on 2023-09-18 15:14:59In the absence of any evidence to confirm a pathology, you will no doubt have already heard your doctor tell you that your ailments are due to... stress!Read more
Autumn, indian summer... Publish on 2023-10-27 15:34:02This season marks the transition between the blossoming of summer and the retreat of winter. In traditional Chinese medicine, the element Metal is associatedRead more
Douleur : amie ou ennemie ? Publish on 2023-10-27 15:34:05Every year in October, World Pain Day is celebrated, and it's a good opportunity for us to take a closer look at a subject that affects everyone.Read more
Immunity, the pillar of our health Publish on 2023-11-17 11:31:23Immune health is deeply rooted in the digestive system, where around 70% of immune cells reside. The intestinal microbiota, with its rich diversity of micro-organismsRead more
No to winter blues! Publish on 2023-11-17 11:31:35Autumn and then winter are seasons that bring their share of wonders: glistening colors, snow-covered landscapes, evenings by the firesideRead more
Winter in Traditional Chinese Medicine Publish on 2023-12-26 11:18:17In Chinese medicine, winter is associated with Water, and Water is associated with the middle of the night. During this season of rain and snowRead more
Deep breathing Publish on 2023-12-26 11:15:31During the winter months, nature seems to take a break. And while we may not be able to winterise, our bodies and minds also need special attentionRead more
Understanding and managing the melatonin surge Publish on 2023-12-26 11:17:26Do you feel less lively or alert at this time of year? What if we told you it's normal? Of course, there may be several reasons for thisRead more
5 good reasons to pamper your vital energy with magnetotherapy Publish on 2024-03-05 14:42:43Are you familiar with the concept of vital energy? Often mentioned in naturopathy, also called Qi in traditional Chinese medicine or Prana in AyurvedaRead more
Walking and gardening with the support of Magnetotherapy Publish on 2024-04-12 12:33:20This article guides you through how to make the most of these activities, thanks to appropriate preparation and the support of magnetotherapy.Read more
Menopause: how do you cope with this transition? Publish on 2024-05-17 11:34:37he menopause is a natural and inevitable stage in every woman's life, marking the end of the fertile years. Far from being the beginning of a decline, it can be seen as a period of renewal and personal discoveryRead more
Snoring and sleep apnoea: how do you deal with them? Publish on 2024-05-17 12:34:59Sleep disorders affect a large number of people, with two particularly common and often linked phenomena: snoring and sleep apnoeaRead more
The simplest flowers and plants to garden Publish on 2024-06-13 11:12:07Whether you're a novice or an experienced gardener, there are some easy-to-grow flowers and vegetables that can brighten up your garden and enrich your diet. Together we'llRead more
The secrets of independence: how seniors can stay active and independent Publish on 2024-06-12 11:12:10We're about to delve into a subject that is essential for many seniors: independence. As we age, maintaining our independence becomes a priority. Fortunately, there are manyRead more
10 tips for losing weight before summer Publish on 2024-06-11 11:12:13Summer is fast approaching and many of us want to feel fit and full of energy to make the most of the season. Here are ten effective tips to help you lose weight in a healthy andRead more
Why adopting a pet can transform your life? Publish on 2024-07-07 09:19:47Adopting a pet has many advantages.Firstly, they provide companionship and help reduce feelings of loneliness. Pets are excellentRead more
10 tips for maintaining your memory: Stimulate your mind every day! Publish on 2024-10-02 10:09:42Memory is a precious ally in our daily lives. Fortunately, there are simple and effective ways of maintaining it, whatever your age.Read more
Vitality Journal: A week to revitalise in autumn Publish on 2024-10-02 10:09:55Autumn arrived very quickly this year. The sudden drop in temperature, the repeated rainy spells and the dwindling days have all had a major impact on the weather.Read more
Hypnosis and magnetotherapy? What if these 2 practices were complementary? Publish on 2024-10-03 10:10:00In a world where well-being is increasingly central, many therapeutic practices are attracting interest. These include hypnosis and magnetotherapy.Read more
How does magnetotherapy help athletes improve muscle recovery? Publish on 2024-10-27 08:46:53Recovery is a key element in sporting performance. Whether you're a professional athlete or a passionate amateur, it's crucial to allow your muscles to recover effectively after intense effortRead more
The secrets of magnetotherapy for weight loss Publish on 2024-10-26 08:46:58In the quest to reach a healthy weight or shed unwanted pounds, many methods are being explored: dieting, physical exercise and even the use of certain technologiesRead more
How to stop the flow of thoughts as you fall asleep: a few techniques for a more peaceful night's sleep Publish on 2024-10-30 08:47:03Many people face a common problem at bedtime: an incessant stream of thoughts that prevents them from falling asleep. These thoughts can be everyday concernsRead more
What causes night-time calf and toe cramps? Publish on 2024-11-21 11:48:23Night cramps in the calves and toes are a common and sometimes very painful phenomenon. They manifest as sudden, involuntary muscle contractions that can last from a few secondsRead more
Are electromagnetic waves dangerous? Find out what's real and what's not! Publish on 2024-11-21 11:47:36With the increase in their use, many questions are being asked about the effects of these waves on our health, particularly in children and the elderly, who are more vulnerableRead more
Stress-free Christmas: the guide to a stress-free festive season Publish on 2024-12-06 11:17:51The festive season is often synonymous with joy, reunions and family traditions. But it can also be a real source of stress. Between the preparations, the expenses and the sometimesRead more
Hot or cold, footbaths: a natural remedy for your well-being Publish on 2024-12-06 11:16:59Taking care of your feet is a habit that is often neglected, yet they bear our weight and carry us all day long. What about giving them a moment of relaxation with a foot bathRead more
Vitamin D: why is it essential, especially in winter? Publish on 2025-01-10 08:40:18These seasonal changes can have a significant impact on our health, not least by reducing our vitamin D levelsRead more
Winter sports: activities and benefits for all Publish on 2025-02-13 10:03:32Whether you're a thrill-seeker or just looking for a gentle way to enjoy the fresh air, winter sports offer a host of benefits for both body and mindRead more
Learning something new: it's never too late to start Publish on 2025-02-13 10:03:39Today, neuroscience and the testimonies of thousands of people prove that it's possible to acquire new skills and take on new challenges at any ageRead more
Auriculotherapy: a natural way to relieve everyday aches and pains Publish on 2025-02-13 10:03:42Derived from traditional knowledge and perfected by modern medicine, this therapeutic technique is based on the stimulation of specific points located on the auricleRead more
Energetic rebalancing: a natural solution for regaining vitality and well-being after winter Publish on 2025-02-27 11:52:58In our daily lives, which are punctuated by stress, fatigue and tension, our bodies and minds are subjected to numerous attacks. These disruptions end up throwing our vital energy out of balance, leading to chronic fatigueRead more
Time change: how to make the transition easier? Publish on 2025-02-27 11:50:04Twice a year, we put our clocks forward or back an hour. While this ritual of switching to summer or winter time may seem harmless, it does disrupt our biological clock. Fatigue, sleep disturbances, irritability or loss of concentrationRead more